Saturday, December 25, 2010

I abhors sleepless nights; they made me stay up helplessly thinking about people. The memories shared, the broken promises, the truth behind every smiles.

Did you really meant what you said?

I can't help but noticed I always have issues with people whose names begins with this very particular alphabet. I'm really beginning to wonder if this alphabet is my downfall.

I hope 26th Dec 2010 will be a better day.

- from g's iPhone

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Revelation of the day

I think a loserface actually reads this space.

Hahahhaha. Rofl.

For someone whose COT made up mainly of little children, no wonder talks like one. And really, perhaps have no idea how entertaining it can be reading the blog and brainless tweets on days I feel bored. Not too bad, contributing me some ideas to write. Thanks slut, for making my day. But boohoo,we've got another society hazard. :D

- from g's iPhone

Sunday, September 26, 2010




- from g's iPhone

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I can't help but contemplate if I should call this "helpline" because I don't know if he's able to help me with this issue. No doubt this isn't my dark issue, but this problem has been torturing me for the longest time ever. It's been killing me for years and it's always covered with lies. It kills all the trust and faith that was built up over these years and even when I'm all knocked down, it still defeats me now. How can I allow someone else's issue put me down for so long? Everything in this, seems so hopeless now.

- Posted using from G's iPhone

Monday, June 28, 2010

superficial beings

i feel disgusted by immatures calling others retard cause they make retards seem like they deserved it. It's a fuckin' birth defect; you think they like it? From my point of view, the immatures are becoming the defects more like it. The sight of them literally hurts my eyes. Too ugly. Even if I'm plump, I think I still have a decent face. (ok now I think I'm very mean.)

High-class wannabes; I've never seen anyone as low class as you. Or rather, you must be so insecure about yourselves that you constantly need branded goods to look good. Urgh, you literally bring their standards to hell when you carry them on you.

- Posted using from G's iPhone

Monday, June 21, 2010

the irony

People actually commits the same mistakes they declared disliking to be treated in the same manner.

Oh on a lighter note, my new job seems awesome! Just that I need to figure how to use a e72 as my workphone because the last time I used a Nokia, it was probably like at least 8 years ago. Boss seems like a nice guy, friendly & stuff. I hope at the end of 3 months he'll find my performance more than satisfactory!

I miss my JD already. );

- Posted using from G's iPhone

Friday, June 18, 2010

Time after time you will only prove that it will never work. So sick of living like this. If it's time to move on, Lord please, give me a sign.

- Posted using from G's iPhone